Art and Cultural Resources

Classic Literature Online
The Art of War- Sun Tsu (Sonshi Translation, 2008)
The Art of War- Sun Tsu (Giles Translation, 1910)
Paradise Lost - Milton
Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Samual Taylor Coleridge
Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
The Prince - Niccolo Machiaveli
The Discourses at Livy- Niccolo Machiaveli
The Art of War- Niccolo Machiaveli
The Literature Network [Extensive Collection]

Japanese Gardens
The Japanese Garden Database Hakone Japanese Garden: Saratoga California
Seiwa-en Japanese Garden: Missouri Japanese Garden: Portland Oregon
Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden: CSU Long Beach George's Japanese Garden
Morikami Museum and Japanese Garden: Florida Explore Japanese Gardens at
Japanese Garden Journal

Japanese Poetry
Haiku for People Cuttings: Haiku and Short Poems
Haiku An Introduction to Haiku
Haiku Society of America History of Haiku
Japanese Poetry Resources Japanese Poetry Japanese Death Poetry
Roots: Japanese Haiku and Matsuo Basho

Native American Links and Resources Bureau of Indian Affairs
Native American Indian Resources Native American Sites
Index of Native American Internet Resources The American West - Native Americans
American Indian Studies: CSU Long Beach Native American Times: Online Newspaper
Native Peoples Webring Native
Native American Lore Index Institute of American Indian Arts
Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Pjt.

Chinese Poetry
Classical Chinese Poetry
Chinese Poetry Database
China - Poetry International Web

World Wide Arts Resources - Your First Stop for Arts Online! - Artists, Museums, Galleries, Etc.
The World Wide Art Gallery
World Wide Arts Resources
Masterpeice Paintings Gallery

All Movie Scripts dot Com
Small-Cast One-Act Guide Online: Dr. Lewis (Ig) Heniford
Eric Takase - Fine Japanese Caligraphy

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